Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Good or Evil

Long ago there was a Kingdom and there was a god.  The god was running out of soldiers in the Kingdom because there is a war between good and evil. The evil was monster from hell. So god needed more followers to fight with him. But he did not know what was going to happen if the humans would forget god.

                So the god decided to create humans. But he did not know what to make them out of. So he looked down and saw many stars. So god gave them everything they need. He created everything around them. While the humans were enjoying what god had done, then god sent a message to all the humans to do whatever it takes to fight for him or if they do not obey him they will fight against him. He also told them after they die at war that would be the last time that they will live.  

                Then the humans went on with their lives. God gave the humans the understanding around them, wisdom, also to value every little thing that there is in the world. The humans got to advance that the technology they were using it for bad. They humans that heard what god has told him about a war going on with good and evil. God was getting mad, furious that he did not know what to do with him because he did not get many soldiers to fight for him and with him.

                After a while god gave them a second chance to do what god has told them. But they did not listen so, god brought the war to earth. He brought the war to earth so the humans would see what would happen after they die. They battle appeared in the sky in the clouds. The humans saw what was going to happen after so, started to obey what god has told they humans before this generation. But still the humans did not do what god want them to do to fight with god.

                Finally god was still running out of soldiers. So he just decided to destroy everything in the kingdom and the earth and hell. He had nothing to do after what he did. So he saw what his angry had done, he was crying because very thing he had made was in vain. Then he just want to win the war but there was only solution to all of what he had done, he decided to create them again. But this time god will not mess with the humans. He decided to leave them alone and there not going to be an after live. So he decided to let the world function on its self. God would forget them and would leave in peace.


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